Friday, 12 October 2012

Leg 79 Callsign......Blue Bear Systems Research Ltd

Depart: Chicago
Destination: Detroit
Leg Length: 2hrs 30min

Flying experience
Callsign... BlueBear 1   Afandi Darlington;  2,000 hrs gliding and power, PPL(A)
Callsign... BlueBear 2   Ian Woodcock; 1hr chipmunk and Simulators BA 747, 777 and airbus
Callsign... BlueBear 3   John Green 20hrs gliding 
Callsign... BlueBear 4   Mike Humphreys;  3000hrs Tornado.

Q? How many  Blue Bears can you fit in a PA28 Simulator? 

Thanks Blue Bear for all your fantastic support, and surprisingly not a grey hair in sight...
Paul's checking he's in the frame still!

At least two of them knew where they'd been?

Afandi stoops to fit in the photo!

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